ORION practitioner recruitment to begin in 2016

In the first half of 2016, ORION will be inviting all registered osteopaths across Australia to participate in the ORION PBRN database. An invitation pack consisting of both a short practitioner questionnaire and consent form will be emailed to all OA members for recruitment. It is important that as many osteopaths participate in the ORION Project as possible in order to ensure the rigorous and impact of the project. This will also be your opportunity to ensure your practice details, perspective and experience are counted in this ground-breaking study of national daily routine care in osteopathy across Australia.

Please do look out for your invitation to particiapte in ORION and visit this site regularly for updates, interesting information and other developments regarding the ORION PBRN initiative. We look forward to officially welcoming you to the ORION Project in due course.