Research Output

Peer-reviewed journal articles

Publication 1:

Adams J, Sibbritt D, Steel A, Peng W. A workforce survey of Australian osteopathy: analysis of a nationally-representative sample of osteopaths from the Osteopathy Research and Innovation Network (ORION) project. BMC Health Services Research. 2018;18(1):352.

Publication 2:

Steel A, Vaughan B, Orrock P, Peng W, Fleischmann M, Grace S, Engel RM, Sibbritt D, Adams J. Prevalence and profile of Australian osteopaths treating older people. Complementary Therapies in Medicine. 2019;43:125-130.

Publication 3:

Leach MJ, Sundberg T, Fryer G, Austin P, Thomson OP, Adams J. An investigation of Australian osteopaths’ attitudes, skills and utilisation of evidence-based practice: a national cross-sectional survey. BMC Health Services Research. 2019;19(1):498.

Publication 4:

Adams, J., Peng, W., Steel, A., Vaughan, B., Fleischmann, M., Fitzgerald, K., & Sibbritt, D. (2020). Clinical characteristics of osteopaths treating work-related injuries in Australia: A cross-sectional study. International Journal of Osteopathic Medicine38, 50-56.

Publication 5:

Steel, A., Peng, W., Sibbritt, D., & Adams, J. (2020). Introducing national osteopathy practice-based research networks in Australia and New Zealand: an overview to inform future osteopathic research. Scientific reports10(1), 846.

Publication 6:

Fleischmann, M., Vaughan, B., Grace, S., Stewart, A., Hart, C., Brew, E., … & Brooks, M. (2021). The use of visceral techniques in Australian osteopathic practice: A descriptive cross-sectional study. Advances in Integrative Medicine8(4), 292-297.

Publication 7:

Vaughan, B., Steel, A., Fleischmann, M., Grace, S., Fitzgerald, K., Engel, R., & Adams, J. (2023). Osteopathy in rural and remote Australia: analysis of demographic, practice and clinical management characteristics from a nationally representative sample of 992 osteopaths. Rural and remote health23(1), 1-9.

Publication 8:

Grace, S., Fleischmann, M., & Vaughan, B. (2021). “If you don’t use or understand visceral osteopathy you’re not a real osteopath”: Professional identity in Australian osteopathy through the lens of a single traditional technique. Explore17(6), 535-540.

Publication 9:

Steel, A., Vaughan, B., Orrock, P., Peng, W., Fleischmann, M., Grace, S., … & Adams, J. (2019). Prevalence and profile of Australian osteopaths treating older people. Complementary therapies in medicine43, 125-130.

Publication 10:

Fleischmann, M., McLaughlin, P., Hayes, A., & Vaughan, B. (2021). The clinical management of neck pain of novice and experienced Australian osteopaths: A secondary analysis of a nationally representative sample. Journal of Bodywork and Movement Therapies25, 87-93.

Publication 11:

Orrock, P. J., Vaughan, B., Fleischmann, M., & Fitzgerald, K. (2021). Clinical characteristics of Australian osteopaths who teach: A national sample. Focus on Health Professional Education: A Multi-Professional Journal22(3), 94-109.

Publication 12:

Adams, J., Peng, W., Steel, A., Vaughan, B., Fleischmann, M., Fitzgerald, K., & Sibbritt, D. (2020). Clinical characteristics of osteopaths treating work-related injuries in Australia: A cross-sectional study. International Journal of Osteopathic Medicine38, 50-56.

Publication 13:

Adams, J., Sibbritt, D., Steel, A., & Peng, W. (2022). Practitioner and practice characteristics of Australian osteopaths who discuss lifestyle factors with patients: Findings from a national practice‐based research network. Health & social care in the community30(4), e1335-e1342.

Publication 14:

Vaughan, B., Fleischmann, M., Fitzgerald, K., Grace, S., Orrock, P., & Steel, A. (2020). Australian osteopaths as non-medical prescribers: comparison of healthcare practitioner characteristics from a nationally representative survey. Australian journal of primary health26(5), 417-423.

Publication 15:

Vaughan, B., Fleischmann, M., Mest, J., Fitzgerald, K., & Malliaris, P. (2021). Characteristics of Australian Osteopaths Managing Tendinopathies: Analysis of a Nationally Representative Survey of 989 Practitioners. Muscles, Ligaments & Tendons Journal (MLTJ)11(1).

Publication 16:

Vaughan, B., Fleischmann, M., Grace, S., Engel, R., Fitzgerald, K., Steel, A., … & Adams, J. (2023, December). Osteopathy Referrals to and from General Practitioners: Secondary Analysis of Practitioner Characteristics from an Australian Practice-Based Research Network. In Healthcare (Vol. 12, No. 1, p. 48). MDPI.

Publication 17:

Fitzgerald, K., Vaughan, B., Fleischmann, M., & Austin, P. (2020). Pain knowledge, attitudes and beliefs of Australian osteopaths drawn from a nationally representative sample of the profession. Journal of bodywork and movement therapies24(4), 43-50.

Publication 18:

Fleischmann, M., Vaughan, B., Fitzgerald, K., & Grace, S. (2020). Use of manual therapy applied to the viscera: Secondary analysis of a nationally representative sample of Australian osteopaths. International Journal of Osteopathic Medicine36, 19-25.

Publication 19:

Fitzgerald, K., Vaughan, B., Fleischmann, M., Pritchard, S., Mulcahy, J., & Austin, P. (2021). Utilisation of pain counselling in osteopathic practice: secondary analysis of a nationally representative sample of Australian osteopaths. Scandinavian journal of pain21(2), 330-338.

Publication 20:

Fleischmann, M., Vaughan, B., Bird, A., Grace, S., Fitzgerald, K., & McLeod, G. (2022). Demographic, practice and clinical management characteristics of osteopaths referring to podiatrists: secondary analysis of a nationally representative sample of Australian osteopaths. BMC Health Services Research22(1), 224.

Publication 21:

Fleischmann, M., Vaughan, B., Campbell, C., Ekberg, J., Evans, M., Green, M., … & Adams, J. (2024). How do Australian osteopaths manage migraines? Outcomes from a national practice-based research network. Journal of Bodywork and Movement Therapies38, 489-497.

Publication 22:

Fryer, G., Fleischmann, M., & Vaughan, B. (2021). Use of muscle energy technique amongst a nationally representative sample of Australian osteopaths. International Journal of Osteopathic Medicine42, 29-33.

Publication 23:

Adams, J., Peng, W., Steel, A., Vaughan, B., Fleischmann, M., Fitzgerald, K., & Sibbritt, D. (2020). Clinical characteristics of osteopaths treating work-related injuries in Australia: A cross-sectional study. International Journal of Osteopathic Medicine38, 50-56.

Publication 24:

Grace, S., Engel, R., Mastronardo, C., Muddle, L., Fleischmann, M., Vaughan, B., & Fazalbhoy, A. (2024). Perceptions of Australian osteopaths on the use of telehealth for patient care: Barriers and enablers for implementation. International journal of osteopathic medicine51, 100696

Publication 25:

Foley, H., Steel, A., & Adams, J. (2020). Perceptions of person-centred care amongst individuals with chronic conditions who consult complementary medicine practitioners. Complementary therapies in medicine52, 102518.

Completed ORION Sub-studies

Sub-study 1:

INNOVATE: International Osteopathy and Evidence-Based Practice Project.

Sub-study 2:

The use of Patient Reported Outcome Measures (PROMs) by Australian osteopaths

Sub-study 3:

Evaluation of pain knowledge and attitudes of Australian osteopaths

Sub-study 4:

Patient experience of the osteopathic consultation

Sub-study 5:

The use of visceral techniques in osteopathic practice

Sub-study 6:

The use of exercise prescription and adjunctive therapies by Australian osteopaths